Temporal Extent (mcp:EX_TemporalExtent)


ISO19115 has a temporal extent to describe a time period which is most often applied to the resource or subject of the metadata record. However, the temporal extent does not include a description of the temporal currency or aggregation in use. The intention of these new classes is to fill this gap.



UML Diagram of extended EX_TemporalExtent class

Data Dictionary

This table makes use of lines 350-351 from table B.3.1.2 (Temporal extent information) in the ISO19115 standard. Lines 920 onwards are new elements from the MCP.

No. Name/Role Name Definition Condition/ Obligation Max. Occurrence Data Type Domain
350 EX_TemporalExtent Time period covered by the content of the dataset or metadata subject Note 1 Note 2 Aggregated Class (EX_Extent) Lines 351 & 920-921
351 extent Date and time for the content of the dataset or metadata subject M 1 Class TM_Primitive (B.4.5)
920 currency Temporal currency for the dataset or metadata subject O 1 Class MD_CurrencyTypeCode <<CodeList>>
921 temporalAggregation Temporal aggregation for the dataset or metadata subject O 1 Class MD_TemporalAggregationUnitCode <<CodeList>

Obligation / Condition Key

  • Note 1 - Use obligation from referencing object
  • Note 2 - Use maximum occurence from referencing object
  • M - Mandatory
  • O - Optional
  • C - Conditional

XML Example

An XML fragment showing an example of the mcp:EX_TemporalExtent element.

  <mcp:EX_TemporalExtent gco:isoType="gmd:EX_TemporalExtent">
      <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="N10315">
          <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="N1031B">
          <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="N10326">

Metadata about this element

  • Proposer: AODCJF Technical Committee
  • Date proposed: 2006
  • Date accepted by MCP Governance Committee: 2010
  • MCP Version: 1.2 onwards